Pour Over Love: Specialty Coffee Ideas for a Memorable Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is approaching, so why not make the celebration extraordinary by savoring coffee in various forms? Imagine sitting at your favorite spot with the love of your life by your side, sipping on freshly blended coffee ground and reminiscing good old memories together.
Sounds fantastic, right? Beyond the classic black coffee, there are an infinite number of possibilities that one can explore. Let's have a look at the various ways you can have coffee from The Caphe Vietnam, making it a memorable experience for you and your partner.
Various Ways To Enjoy Coffee
Dalgona Coffee
Let your partner witness the excellence of a good wisk or indulge in the collective joy of creating something simple yet dynamic.
A regular coffee makeover
Also known as a hand-beaten coffee, this coffee is not new to the people of Macau, but it actually gained popularity when people started to demonstrate the making of Dalgona coffee over the internet. People liked the simplicity of making this delicious-looking coffee, requiring you to mix an equal part of fine ground coffee, sugar, and hot water until it turns into a thick cream, followed by adding cold or hot milk to it as per your preference.
Coffee Smoothie
Have your partner in complete awe with a delightful fusion they can never forget.
Your coffee-based energy drink
Yes, it tastes as good as it sounds! Although this smoothie follows the same general pattern as other smoothies with a lot of components, it is improved by the flavor of Caphe Vietnam coffee.
Just blend together your choice of oats, banana, yogurt, and organic coffee and get lost in a symphony of unique flavors that it provides. It wouldn't be wrong if you call it half smoothie and half coffee. Best for days when you need something strong and heavily nutritious to get through the day.
Vietnamese Iced Coffee
Experience a Vietnamese specialty locally and let the bold flavor of condensed milk and roasted coffee take your palate on a ride.
For a chilling experience
Use the classic Vietnamese coffee filter called Phin to brew your coffee by pouring hot water and letting the dripping coffee collect into a cup already filled with condensed milk. The mixture tastes best when made with authentic Vietnamese coffee from The Caphe Vietnam. It can be enjoyed both with and without ice, which in Vietnamese is popularly known as ca phe nau da and ca phe nau nong, respectively.
Con Panna
Satisfy your urge for something sweet and enjoy a perfect balance of goodness of Caphe Vietnam Coffee and creamy sweetness.
Morning energy shot with a twist
Fairly easy to make but rich in flavor. All you need to do is to brew an espresso shot and add whipped cream on top. This might seem an unusual combination, but it is best to give you a classic experience of ground coffee which is sweet yet strong.
Just as the possibilities of having a specialty coffee are endless, the possibilities of impressing your love with a perfect cup of coffee are endless, too. We gave you the idea; now it's your turn to find the best coffee version from The Caphe Vietnam store to have with your love and make the Valentine's Day celebration a memorable one.