5 Healthy Reasons Why You Must Drink Coffee

Do you always seek ways to escape the stress of your mundane work schedule? A cup of coffee is what you need! It’s one of the most popular pick-me-up drinks at any time of the day. Coffee lovers swear by its wide range of benefits in helping them counter the stress and strain of daily life. Sure it is the perfect drink to burn the midnight oil and then run to a meeting or class, waking up in the morning with a high energy level.
How Can a Cup of Coffee Benefit You?
Incorporating a cup of coffee into your daily diet can work wonders for your body's immunity system. No wonder it can help you avoid a range of diseases. Here are a few of the astounding benefits of consuming coffee .
1. It Packs High Amounts of Green Tea
Cocoa and green tea are often considered to be superstars when it comes to antioxidants, but coffee rarely makes it to this list. However, research has shown that unprocessed coffee packs more antioxidants than both cocoa and green tea. This means, if you consume moderate quantities of coffee every day, you can easily counter health issues like inflammation, neutralize free radicals causing chronic diseases and even fight cancer. It can also keep you safe from cardiovascular diseases due to the presence of the antioxidant and chlorogenic acid found exclusively in coffee.
2. Increases the Energy Levels
There are times when we need an extra boost to meet the deadline, but sleep becomes the bane in the process. Hasn't it happened to you that you had started working on something at night, and the next thing you know, it's morning outside, and you've slept through the night without completing the work?
Drinking a cup of coffee can be of great help in those moments. This is because the caffeine present in the coffee gives a temporary boost to the brain that prevents fatigue and improves memory. This is because coffee bean targets the areas of the brain controlling concentration and memory, thus providing them with the much-needed boost.
3. Fights Type-2 Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common health issues in the 21st century, and the worst part is that it’s difficult to contain. Coffee can help you prevent that. According to a 2009 study, those who consume coffee regularly have a 50 percent lower risk of developing the problem of diabetes than non-drinkers and light drinkers. This is because coffee has caffeic acid, which reduces the accumulation of toxic amyloid fibrils found in the body of type-2 diabetic patients. You can also consume decaffeinated coffee to reap this benefit in case you are not fond of caffeine.
4. Reduces the Risks of Liver Ailments
Sound crazy, but our livers indeed love coffee. Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of liver cancer to a great extent. Again, it also helps in preventing the problem of cirrhosis. According to an Archive of Internal Medicine study, there exists an inverse correlation between an increase in the consumption of coffee and a decrease in the risk of developing cirrhosis. The study suggests that drinking a single cup of coffee reduces 20 percent of the risk of cirrhosis.
5. A Great Pre-Workout Drink.
Ask anyone who's into exercise and bodybuilding, and they will recommend having a cup of coffee before hitting the gym. Coffee is regarded to be a great pre-workout drink, especially if you are not in the position to spend some extra bucks on high-end protein bars.
The idea that drinking coffee dehydrates our system and is not a good idea for fitness enthusiasts is a misconception. On the contrary, drinking a cup of coffee pre-workout and post-workout can accentuate the results of the exercise. Caffeine not only acts as an endurance and performance enhancer helping fight fatigue but also contributes to better muscle contraction, thereby increasing endurance.
Coffee, too, like every other drink, has its fair share of cons, and excess consumption may lead to adverse effects. But consuming it in moderate quantities and adding it to your regular diet can not help you stay fit by countering a range of ailments. So, be cautious about the quantity you are consuming and enjoy its benefits with zero health issues.