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Sustainable Sips: Eco-Friendly Coffee Practices and Products

The planet has endured pollution from various industries and market giants to many million tonnes per year. Thankfully, recent times have seen countries becoming conscious about environment preservation through sustainable practices. 

As the world gears towards net-zero carbon and better sustainability practices, no industry is left behind in the race to do its bit for the cause. Talking about FMCG companies, some global conglomerates that used to contribute about half a million tonnes of plastic every year have started using sustainable measures to reduce their carbon footprint on the planet. 

Even coffee companies with primary contributors to river pollution have altered ways to contribute to a greener planet. With over 2 billion cups of coffee consumed daily globally, there is a notable impact, companies can have while brewing consciously, from the farm to the cup.

 What are the eco-friendly choices for coffee connoisseurs? How do they help the environment? What are some of the top coffee companies practicing sustainability and environmental-conscious measures to help the Earth?

We uncover such questions and highlight ways to favor sustainable sips and Eco-Friendly 

Coffee Practices and Products in this article. 

Organic coffee through Fair-trading methods

Growing coffee through sustainable practices helps promote bio-diversity, and eco-friendly farming practices while leaving the minimum impact on the globe. 

Shade-grown coffee

Here, coffee is grown under a thick shade of trees, facilitating birds and insects to help prevent pest infestation and pollination. This method helps mitigate chemicals for keeping the coffee shrub safe from insects. 

Sun-dried processing method

After the harvesting period and pulp-removing process, drying the coffee beans directly under the sun helps conserve water and energy. Brands like The Caphe Vietnam harness the power of the sun-drying method to dry the bean and sort them for further processing. 

Fairtrade coffee production also ensures that farmers receive a fair price that justifies their efforts that helps them earn a respectable livelihood.

Environmental-friendly packaging

Today, the market is bustling with conscious coffee consumers who care about what effect the brand leaves on the planet. It is common to see consumers inclined towards eco-friendly packaged coffee labels. Sustainable coffee-making brands choose packaging of recycled materials, compostable packaging, and durable. 

Sustainable coffee filters

Opting for stainless steel coffee filters instead of plastic or paper filters is a good and sustainable choice as these filters are durable and a part of greener coffee practices. 

How do these sustainable practices help the environment?

Through sustainable measures, companies contribute a lot to social, economic, and environmental sustainability. The dangerous effects of global warming and pollution can be mitigated, if coffee companies consciously make the wise choices mentioned above and consumers opt for greener alternatives. 

Top labels with eco-friendly coffee processes

Some of the top labels that offer sustainable coffees to you and are popular choices for millions of caffeine enthusiasts are Nguyen Coffee Supply, Cafe Mam, Ethical Bean Coffee, Larry’s Coffee, Conscious Coffee, Grumpy Mule, Tiny Footprint Coffee, Wandering Bear Coffee, Higher Ground Roasters & Doma Coffee. These coffee are Fairtrade certified, organic, sustainably processed, and a favourite of many coffee lovers globally. 

Somebody rightly said, “With great power comes great responsibility”, the power of the consumer market is mighty and beckons responsible and conscious decisions on behalf of coffee makers and consumers. Gearing towards a greener environment might be a distant dream but possible through baby steps as these and 

Tags : Coffee Beans

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