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Vietnamese Coffee Is the Future of Sustainable Coffee Farming

The coffee business as it is is unsustainable, much like the global food system as a whole. Scientists believe that by 2050, half of the world's farmable land will no longer be suitable for growing coffee due to the effects of climate change. 

These consequences are already being seen in nations like Brazil, the world's biggest coffee grower, where many farmers report drying soils and rare frosts that have drastically reduced output.

While this is happening, worldwide demand for coffee has been steadily rising, especially in some developing nations like China, the USA, and many more. Herein is the rub: rising coffee demand cannot be satisfied by a supply that grows more slowly, mainly because that supply is always on the verge of collapse.

To what extent will robusta coffee define the future of coffee tradition?

The need for commodities like coffee cannot be reduced, and it is rising rapidly and steadily, but other ways exist to supply this rising demand worldwide. Two types of coffee, Arabica, and Robusta, are now the most popular among coffee drinkers throughout the world. Arabica beans produce the vast majority of gourmet and high-end coffees, whereas robusta beans are used for instant and commercial coffee. Several Corporates prefer stocking robusta beans in their cafeteria due to their firm and bold taste.

Arabica coffee requires a lot of attention and care since it is so picky about its environment. On the other hand, Robusta is more pest-resistant than Arabica and can thrive in a broader range of climates because of its greater caffeine level. These beans deliver a sounder and better taste as compared to Arabica coffee beans. 

Based on its inherent qualities, robusta coffee looks to be the best bet for the future of the coffee business. Robusta has traditionally been grown for high yield rather than high quality, and industry gatekeepers have unfairly given it a bad reputation due to this reason. 

While also keeping its prices artificially low to increase its profits from the continued production of high-yield, low-quality coffee for mass market consumption. Producers have been trapped in exploitative cycles that have prevented them from improving their goods or lives, but this can (and should) change when the sector comes to terms with the fact that the current quo is untenable. 

The cultivation of Robusta Coffee is the future wave regarding sustainable coffee farming and crop yields.

Robusta coffee's versatility as a crop and lower resource requirements compared to Arabica coffee beans suggest it might be the future of the coffee industry. With the popularity of robusta coffee growing and significant companies beginning to invest in premium robusta beans, negative definitions from the past are being erased, and a more welcoming coffee culture is taking shape. The world has started accepting Robusta coffee as a part of their daily drivers. Thousands of premium coffee houses serve authentic, Sustainable Vietnamese coffee in various parts of the world.

Robusta coffee is receiving the long-deserved acclaim it deserves. 

Robusta coffee is vital to averting the complete systemic collapse of the coffee industry as climate change continues to aggravate circumstances for millions of people and their livelihoods throughout the world. 

To ensure the long-term viability of coffee, the industry and consumer preferences will need to shift toward Robusta as a luxury but a daily coffee product.

There has been a recent trend among Brazil's coffee farmers toward creating and cultivating robusta specialty varietals. In contrast, Vietnam, the world's biggest producer of robusta coffee, maintains its yearly production for the mass market and specialty coffee sectors. 

The trend away from mass-produced, low-quality coffee and toward specialty roasts will only accelerate as the coffee industry as a whole continues to think critically about the future of coffee (for the better).

Coffee is not intended to be a low-priced commodity; the time, money, and effort that go into making just one cup should serve as a warning that we have the wrong idea about coffee. Brewing a cup is easy, but the efforts that are being made by thousands of people, from manufacturing to packaging and shipping them to you, should be addressed and acknowledged.  

Bottom Line

TheCapheVietnam is one of the largest producers and sellers of Vietnamese coffee beans, and we are specialized in selling 6 varieties packed in 13 different products. We are primarily famous for cultivating Robusta Coffee beans with the help of authentic coffee growing techniques, and our beans come directly from the farms without being unnecessarily processed. A hot or cold brew from our beans can provide bold flavors with every sip.

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